Elke Rulff

Elke Rulff, Graduate engineer (automation technology)

Patent engineer

Elke Rulff, Graduate engineer (automation technology)

Patent engineer

Elke Rulff works in the fields of automotive, electrical and communications engineering and mechanical engineering. In these fields, she handles national and international patent applications. In addition to patent searches, she monitors patent grant proceedings and filing activities of competitors.


+49 (0)30 881 8181


German, English


  • since 2003

    Patent engineer at Maikowski & Ninnemann

  • 1990-1999

    Patent Examiner at the German Patent and Trademark Office

  • 1985 - 1990

    Studies of technical cybernetics and automation engineering at the Technical University Otto von Guericke Magdeburg, title of the diploma thesis: "Technical language concept for a field bus system"




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